####GRE-helper is a MAC dashboard widget, which is used to help me remember the GRE words.
coding:Garvin Li
####GRE-helper is a MAC dashboard widget, which is used to help me remember the GRE words.
####This is a auto csdn resume achieve system
####This is the plugin which achieve the function of timer .
####How to use
####Android-ScreenShot是我在Sony实习期间完成的对于android系统的系统截屏功能的研究。通过获取root权限,执行screen cap功能来实现系统截屏功能。
####X-Brain is the open source project, based on machine learning algorithm.
####美术指导:shaojie WANG
####Ospaf project is an open source project maturity analysis tool, is an open source project consists of two modules, namely, data acquisition module, machine learning modules. Through the open source project on github feature extraction, using machine learning algorithms modeling, to construct a scoring model on open source projects.
####美术指导:shaojie WANG
####云锁单车这款软件的创意来源于生活。单车或是电动车是很多在校大学生的日常交通工具。因为在校学生的自行车的停车点经常变化,时间一长很容易记不清具体的停车位置。所以我们推出这款软件,利用高德地图的定位功能辅以图像,帮助大家在每次停靠自行车是记录相应的时间以及地理位置,同时软件简洁实用的界面也深得用户欢迎。 ####高德“未来有你”二等奖(3/100)
####美术指导:shaojie WANG
<img src=’/images/bike1.png’ width=180 height=300 align=left/ >
This is Garvin.Coding for dream, fun, freedom!