####Ospaf project is an open source project maturity analysis tool, is an open source project consists of two modules, namely, data acquisition module, machine learning modules. Through the open source project on github feature extraction, using machine learning algorithms modeling, to construct a scoring model on open source projects.
coding:Garvin Li
####美术指导:shaojie WANG
Ospaf Documentation
Ospaf project is an open source project maturity analysis tool, is an open source project consists of two modules, namely, data acquisition module, machine learning modules. Through the open source project on github feature extraction, using machine learning algorithms modeling, to construct a scoring model on open source projects.
Getting help
This page contains important summary information to help you get started. In-depth online documentation is available, linked by the table of contents below.
Some sample code can be found on the Garvin-Blog page.
Send bug reports to garvinli@garvinli.com.
Table of Contents
- Getting Start
- Ospaf Reference
- Source Of Data
- Connect Database
- Achieve Model
Copyright 2014 Ospaf Lab Software, Inc. Unless otherwise marked, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.